Victor Jiao


    Javascript     Jordan Cazamias

Implemented the music algorithm for MusixBox - a procedural music-box-like music player. I used Perlin noise to stimulate a few different "dimensions" of music - mood and such. Then, I manually added in some chords and notes, in an organized way so that the algorithm would know which notes to play when to create the desired effect (as dictated by the Perlin noise).

Tower Defense

    C++ SDL2 OpenGL(incoming)    

Built/building an Entity-Component-System game programming engine with a quadtree-based collision system and a callback-based GUI system. This project is equal-parts game development and game engine design.

Procedural Terrain Generation

    C++ SDL2    

Built/building a flexible and powerful framework for supporting randomized terrain generation. Models climate, erosion, and rainfall dynamics in real-time. Also supports a ray-tracing based shadow engine.

Weather Modelling

    Python scikit-learn NumPy    

Analyzed weather data from airports by using statistical machine learning models. The model learned a higher-level sense of climate, and achieved a 15-30% accuracy boost beyond naive methods.

Pirate Panic

    C++ Ogre3D OpenGL     Chris WalkerJigar ShahCharlie KupetsDavid Woldenberg

Led a team of five students to code a 4-way multiplayer game including sky and water rendering, a robust server design, a custom physics engine, and a simple AI. Personally worked on the graphics engine and integrating all of the components of the final game together.

Distributed Key-Value Store

    Python     Austin Byers

Implemented multi-paxos, a distributed algorithm for consistent and fault-tolerant key-value storage. Multi-paxos is a more efficient variant of the classic Paxos algorithm.

English Word Dissymmetry

    R C++    

A study on word dissymmetry in the English Language through analyzing word prediction accuracy on a language bigram model given different amounts of the first or last phonemes in the word.

Terrain Rendering Engine

    C++ OpenGL     Noah Krim

Rendered height maps and texture bitmaps with level of detail and deferred rendering algorithms. Includes render systems for grass, water, and rain; fog effects; and detail-mapping.

Audio Leap

    Javascript HTML/CSS Leapmotion API    

A simple Leapmotion app to play chords depending on user's hand position.



A 2D top down game where you fight ever-multiplying waves of zombies.

Dissociated Press


A simple app to generate more text in the same style as some given text. Trained using a bigram language model.


    C     Ben Kurtovic

A 3D graphics engine built from per-pixel rendering using SDL, complete with UV texture mapping, camera movement, simple collision detection, z-buffering, and simple lighting.


    C     Ben Kurtovic

A 3D graphics engine built from per-pixel rendering using SDL, complete with UV texture mapping, camera movement, simple collision detection, z-buffering, and simple lighting.


    C     Ben Kurtovic

A terminal-based shooter game built from scratch with randomized enemies and progressively difficult AI. Supports different kinds of bullets, as well as a multiplayer mode.


    C     Ben Kurtovic

A terminal-based flashcard-esque data storage software, with a built-in find function that lets you search the text of the cards, and a pleasant scrolling function for optimal viewing.


    Java     Ben KurtovicJosh Hofing

A simple bullet hell game with a flexible, stacking upgrade system and randomly generated levels.

other projects

    C/C++ Java HTML/CSS Javascript

Check out my other work here! I have projects ranging from iOS geofencing apps in Objective C to data-visualization websites to tile-based RPG games in C++. If you've heard or seen me mention something that's not on here, it's probably a project I did for school or for work that I'm not allowed to show the source code for. Feel free to send me an email so we can talk about it!